Thursday, December 17, 2009

10 Ways to bridge a contract

1, Don't deliver on time.
2, Take back your words.
3, Always change your mind after a commitment.
4, Do not give what has been promised.
5, Do not take what you have ordered.
6, Pay in bits though you promised to pay as COD (cash on delivery).
7, Deliver a counterfeit item instead of the original item.
8, Charge the same price as the original item.
9, Come up with a tell just to extend the contract.
10, Come up with additional cost to avoid the existing contract.
Now you can enjoy bridging contracts as much as you want; just don't get caught, you may end up paying the price in your own currency.


How we commit with or without our verbal or written agreement can be considered a contract like parents feeding their kids is a contract, paying children fees is a contract, their shelter, health care, their security etc.

What do you think people would say about you if you were to be in this quagmire? is it always advice able not to panic because its not the best solution rather, try to be anybody online but yourself...